Website technical support is an urgent technical work, lasting from 1 hour to 7 days. It is necessary if your site:

  • freezes;
  • gives errors;
  • takes a very long time to open;
  • does not open at all (or does not open for you, but opens for others);
  • does not display correctly in different browsers;
  • was infected with malware or viruses;
  • needs to be restored;
  • does not get into the index of search engines, and in the search results;
  • gone; the hosting provider closed it; having problems with hosting;
  • is broken, or you are unable to restore the site (make a backup);
  • is under DDoS attack

In addition, website technical support is necessary if:

  • Not all elements of the site are displayed;
  • the hosting provider transferred your site to another server, after which the site stopped working;
  • domain problems;
  • problems with the transfer of rights to domains;
  • problems with site settings (for example, with DNS);
  • emails are not sent, and your email address is blacklisted (spamlist);
  • you need to create new mailboxes for company employees;
  • a lot of spam comments appeared on the site;
  • you need to install a statistics counter on the site, connect the Yandex.Metrics or Google.Analytics services;
  • can’t login to the admin panel;
  • your company logo has changed and you want to change the favicon;
  • NY has come, and the site displays the old year;
  • you need to add new menus, fields, widgets, and other elements;
  • want to prevent copying text from your site;
  • want to protect your site from malicious attacks and SQL injections;
  • you need to add a social bookmarking service. groups;
  • you need to create an RSS feed;
  • unable to add pictures or documents to the site;
  • you need to put a feedback form with redirection to your e-mail;
  • it is necessary to embed radio, chat, feedback page, etc.;
  • you need to update the CMS;
  • want to make a foreign version of the site;
  • for other types of work

An order for technical support of websites is made in any way convenient for you — by phone, via instant messengers, by e-mail. Lead time and cost directly depend on the amount of time it takes to complete your order.

The cost of work:

  • Technical support of the site on CMS WordPress = 20$/hour
  • Technical support of the site on another CMS or constructor = 35$/hour
  • Server administration = 50$/hour

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